Diving deep into, Rezence provides a comprehensive view of How Do I 2 Hand A Weapon In Elden Ring 2024: Mastering the Details
1 How to two-hand in Elden Ring and deal more damage with melee weapons
- Author: inverse.com
- Published Date: 10/10/2021
- Review: 4.86 (890 vote)
- Summary: · For instance, if your main melee weapon is in your right hand, press R1 while holding Triangle and you’ll two-hand that weapon. If your weapon
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
2 Two-Handed Weapon Attacks Deal More Damage in &x27Elden Ring&x27
- Author: distractify.com
- Published Date: 10/11/2021
- Review: 4.73 (382 vote)
- Summary: · You can use two hands to wield a weapon that’s in either your left or right slot at any time by holding the “interacting” key and pushing the
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
3 How to Two-hand a weapon in Elden Ring
- Author: ginx.tv
- Published Date: 10/31/2021
- Review: 4.55 (200 vote)
- Summary: · Elden Ring: How to two-hand a weapon ; PlayStation · Hold Triangle button and then press R1; Left-hand weapon: Hold Triangle button and then press
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
4 Elden Ring How to Two-Hand Weapons on PC, PS4 & Xbox
- Author: gosunoob.com
- Published Date: 08/18/2022
- Review: 4.2 (367 vote)
- Summary: · How to two-hand in Elden Ring? The answer is simple: To two hand in Elden Ring press and hold Triangle on PlayStation or Y on Xbox. Then press
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
5 Elden Ring guide: How to two-hand weapons
- Author: polygon.com
- Published Date: 05/12/2022
- Review: 4.07 (278 vote)
- Summary: · PS4 or PS5 controller: Triangle + R1; Xbox One or Xbox Series X controller: Y + RB; Windows PC (with keyboard and mouse): E + right click
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
6 Elden Ring: How to Two-Hand Your Weapon
- Author: vgkami.com
- Published Date: 05/02/2022
- Review: 3.89 (537 vote)
- Summary: · If you’re playing Elden Ring on either a PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5, you’ll need to hold down the Triangle button and press either R1 or L1
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
7 Elden Ring&colon How to Two Hand Weapons
- Author: gameskinny.com
- Published Date: 11/27/2021
- Review: 3.78 (421 vote)
- Summary: · How to Two Hand Weapons (or Shields) in Elden Ring · Hold Triangle/Y and press R1/RB for right-handed weapons. · Hold Triangle/Y and press L1/LB
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
8 How to Two-Hand Weapons | Elden Ring
- Author: game8.co
- Published Date: 06/12/2022
- Review: 3.54 (340 vote)
- Summary: · Two-Handing in Elden Ring lets you wield your weapons or shields with both hands instead of only one. Read on to learn how to two-hand wield
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
9 Elden Ring how to two-hand a weapon
- Author: theloadout.com
- Published Date: 10/27/2021
- Review: 3.23 (313 vote)
- Summary: · To two-hand a weapon in Elden Ring all you have to do is hold down the Y button on Xbox or the Triangle button on PlayStation and then hit R1 or
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
10 How to two-hand a weapon in Elden Ring
- Author: pcgamer.com
- Published Date: 11/29/2021
- Review: 3.17 (450 vote)
- Summary: · To do this, press E + left or right-click, depending on which hand you have the weapon equipped. If you’re using a controller, Y (or Triangle) +
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
11 How To Two-Hand Weapons In Elden Ring
- Author: gamespot.com
- Published Date: 12/12/2021
- Review: 2.91 (158 vote)
- Summary: In Elden Ring, however, you’ll need to follow one extra step to switch to and from a two-handed stance. PlayStation users can hold Triangle and press R1 or L1 to two-hand your right or left weapon, respectively. On Xbox, those buttons will be Y and either RB or LB
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
12 Elden Ring: How to Two-Hand a Weapon
- Author: thenerdstash.com
- Published Date: 01/30/2022
- Review: 2.76 (79 vote)
- Summary: · How to Two-Hand a Weapon in Elden Ring · PC: Hold E, then press LMB or RMB with LMB making the left weapon your two-handed weapon, and RMB
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
13 Elden Ring – How To Two Hand A Weapon On Xbox & PlayStation?
- Author: gamertweak.com
- Published Date: 07/27/2022
- Review: 2.73 (189 vote)
- Summary: · In order to two hand a weapon in Elden Ring, you need to press the Y button on Xbox (Triangle on Playstation). To swap, you need to press RB on
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
14 How do you two hand weapons in Elden Ring?
- Author: vg247.com
- Published Date: 06/24/2022
- Review: 2.6 (90 vote)
- Summary: · To two hand weapons in Elden Ring, hold the ‘Event Action’ button and press attack. … If you have your weapon equipped on your left hand, press
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
15 How to two-hand weapons – Elden Ring
- Author: shacknews.com
- Published Date: 03/27/2022
- Review: 2.5 (74 vote)
- Summary: · In order to two-hand weapons in Elden Ring you must hold a specific button and then press the appropriate attack button. The input is in the
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
16 This is how and when to use two-hand weapons in Elden Ring
- Author: win.gg
- Published Date: 09/13/2022
- Review: 2.46 (63 vote)
- Summary: · To two-hand in Elden Ring, hold down the “interact” key and hit the light attack button at the same time. This will make the player character
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
17 Elden Ring: How to two-hand wield weapons and use the Pouch
- Author: ftw.usatoday.com
- Published Date: 08/20/2022
- Review: 2.24 (151 vote)
- Summary: · To two-hand weapons in Elden Ring, hold Triangle/Y, and L1/LB. Holding the Triangle/Y button in Elden Ring now brings up a small alternate menu
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
18 Elden Ring: How To Two-Hand and Dual-Wield / Power Stance Weapons
- Author: pushsquare.com
- Published Date: 10/25/2021
- Review: 2.1 (178 vote)
- Summary: · In Elden Ring, you need to press Triangle and either L1 or R1 to wield the left or right weapon with two hands. When two-handing a weapon, you’
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
19 How to two hand a weapon in Elden Ring
- Author: gamesradar.com
- Published Date: 03/29/2022
- Review: 2.17 (51 vote)
- Summary: · To change from a one-handed weapon grip to a two-handed weapon grip in Elden Ring, you need to hold Y/Triangle then press RB/R1 or LB/L1
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
20 How to two-hand a weapon in Elden Ring
- Author: upcomer.com
- Published Date: 10/29/2021
- Review: 2.04 (145 vote)
- Summary: · Two handing weapons in Elden Ring · PlayStation controllers: Triangle + L1/R1 · Xbox controllers: Y + LB/RB · Keyboard: E + Up/Down Arrow
- Matching search results: Now that you know why you should use both hands, let’s explain how to two-hand in Elden Ring. In past Souls games, you simply needed to press the Triangle (Y) button while holding a particular melee weapon to use both hands. In Elden Ring, it’s a …
- Source: 🔗
21 Elden Ring Two-Hand Button Guide: Xbox, PS4 & PC

- Author: exputer.com
- Published Date: 08/16/2022
- Review: 1.97 (128 vote)
- Summary: · To two-hand weapons in Elden Ring, all you have to do is press and hold the Event Action button followed by a quick press of the Attack button
- Matching search results: The latest entry in the Soulsborne franchise offers a wealth of weapons to brave your enemies with. In addition, a characteristic feature of the series returns where you can equip your weapon in two hands to change attack variation and increase the …
- Source: 🔗